Friday, July 18, 2014

3. Chlorella

Nutritional Comparison of Chlorella

What is Chlorella?

Now if you've been with me so far, your foundation has been set.  After #1 and #2, you are now ready for fantastic growth mode, #3 Chlorella.  Without #1 and #2 you could actually hurt yourself because increasing your cell counts could actually be increasing tumors also so you must first have the healing process in complete control inside the body.  The metabolism is normal and the healing process is normal.  Cancer is normal because it just happens when the body's cell metabolism goes awry due to lack of nutrition or outside forces affecting the body in a way that it gets damaged.  So over time, the healing process goes into overdrive to attempt to repair the body's cells that were damaged.  If that healing process goes unchecked, like a stove left on while you're at the movie theater, well, don't be surprised that your house is burned down when you get home.  Same with cancer.

#1 Healing Process stable, Check
#2 Immune System Defense optimized, Check

#3 Now it's time to build your cells like Miracle-Gro on a sunny day.  Say hello to Chlorella, one of the planet's most potent superfoods.  Yes, all of my recommendations have a give you holistic benefits that target a specific function which you wish to make optimal.  In this case...building of cells...building your total DNA replicas with superior building blocks.

First let's review the 3 Macronutrients:  Protein, Carbs, and Fat.  Protein makes the cell nucleus, Carbs are the body's most efficient energy source and helps increase the intake of protein, and Fat makes the cell membrane.  Balanced nutrition requires all three for those reasons.  You must determine your individual proportions based on your own activity level.

I will be focusing strictly on Protein because without protein every day, the other two just get stored as reserve fuel and no new cells are created from the food without protein.  Protein will be leeched from your muscles if you don't eat enough of it.  Your protein intake each day is so vital, that it determines how your body will be shaped and reflects the status of your lean muscle mass.  You will not be able to build muscle without adequate amounts above your maintenance level and at below the maintenance level the muscle you do have will be broken down further and further just to keep you alive.  Your body will leech from muscle based on your activity level if it does not have what it needs to make new cells as the old ones die off.  Since you always need new cells, you have to get Protein from eating it if you don't want to lose your lean muscle.  Lack of dietary protein leads to muscle atrophy faster than non-use of the muscle.

A superfood is any food with superior nutrition content vs. most other foods.

Chlorella has 3 unique ingredients in combination that give you exceptional nutrition.
* Chlorophyll = Blood Cleansing and Detoxification
* CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor) = High amount of RNA/DNA
* High amount of Protein


Chlorophyll is identical to human hemoglobin (oxygen transport protein of a red blood cell) in molecular structure except for the central atom. In chlorophyll the central atom is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron. When we consume Chlorella we get a massive dose of "plant blood" which through biological transmutation, turns into our own blood. The body is able to replace the center atom with iron to create new human blood very easily due to chlorophyll's molecular structure.  This makes all green foods with chlorophyll highly beneficial for cleaning the blood.  Imagine a fresh infusion of new blood by eating foods with chlorophyll and Chlorella has 2-7% chlorophyll which is the highest of any known food.  Chlorophyll is the reason why Chlorella helps to clean your blood.  As more red blood cells are created, your body receives more oxygen, and with more oxygen, your body's cells live longer and you age more slowly.

CGF: Chlorella Growth Factor

Increasing your RNA and DNA, the building blocks of life itself (genetic code) and you become stronger because of more total healthy cells overall.


Chlorella has 65g (out of 100g) of Protein (off the chart!)
Therefore, you can eat less and still get the adequate amount of protein vs. lesser protein sources because the amount of calories consumed could be reduced by eating a higher nutrient dense food.

Start very slow.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  The DETOXification phase is the first 3 months.  Your body must become accustomed to Chlorella because it binds to heavy metals and toxins very effectively.  If a person with high toxicity eats Chlorella, the toxins might be removed too fast and the person will develop flu-like symptoms because of this rushing out of the body too fast, for the body to process things properly.

First week 5g per day (1 teaspoon)
Second week 10g per day
Third week 15g per day (1 tablespoon)
Then you can increment 5g per day from then on....
4th week   20g, 25g, 30g, 35g, 40g, 45g, 50g etc.
Why Chlorella:
Cleans the blood, removes toxins, binds heavy metals, provides DNA/RNA to make any type of cell, and keeps the digestive track full of good bacteria so the body creates its own vitamins, enzymes, etc.  You do not need to supplement with probiotics if you eat Chlorella because Chlorella feeds the good bacteria so they multiply naturally!
The many minerals in Chlorella provide the body the ability to absorb oxygen more efficiently which makes cellular metabolism optimal.  This is also why it's #3.  You must have #1 and #2 beforehand, to protect yourself from negative cell replication: cancer, viruses, etc.

If you get up to 6 tablespoons, that's a meal replacement.  At one point to test Chlorella on myself I was taking 2 tablespoons, 3 times daily for a whole month and never felt more healthy.  I couldn't sustain it due to the expense but it was fantastic.  I had deeper sleep, more energy, eyes were whiter, super speed hair, skin was smoother, bags under the eyes disappeared, etc. etc. etc.
Drink 8 oz. of water per every tablespoon.  You must drink lots and lots of water with Chlorella.  It will make you very thirsty because it is very concentrated nutrition that is making new blood so you must have the water with it to form the new blood.  Your thirst means it's working well!  Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink pure water.

Why you get that "glowing skin" look after eating Chlorella
"Vegetables are called food for beauty. Chlorella could be called a drinkable cosmetic for being alkaline and having a cell rejuvenation effect. Adults have acidic skin. Eating excess animal food (acidic food) causes scum to accumulate in the mucous membranes of the skin, leading to rough skin and wrinkles. Babies and children have fresh, beautiful skin because their bodies are alkaline. To have beautiful skin, we must start from the inner body."

It's not the pH level of what you drink that's important because your stomach should be acidic to digest.  It's the body's pH level AFTER you eat foods, that matters.  Chlorella helps you become alkaline from within.

Buy Chlorella here: (I like the Yaeyama brand from Japan)
Yaeyama Chlorella

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

2. Propolis

Book "Propolis: Composition, Health, Medicine" by Stefan Bogdanov
Propolis ORAC value (page 7)
"Pure propolis resin scored 9674 ORAC units (μmole TE/g)"

Propolis has so many health benefits you'll need to read the book to discover them all.

What I love about Propolis:  It's one of nature's most powerful building blocks of the immune system.  Propolis helps you build both white blood cells of the cardiovascular system and lymphocytes of the lymphatic system, which is why it's so very powerful for the human body.  Propolis is what protects the larvae in a bee hive from bacteria and parasites.  The young bees are like in their own room that's cleaner than an Intel clean room when making microprocessors.

Clinical Studies
"Dr. Feiks also noticed that 70% of the propolis group obtained relief in three days, compared to only 10% of the group receiving conventional medication."

What is an Antioxidant?

"Antioxidants help fight oxidation, a normal chemical process that takes place in the body every day. It can be accelerated by stress, cigarette smoking, and alcohol. When there are disruptions in the natural oxidation process, highly unstable and potentially damaging molecules called free radicals are created. Oxygen triggers the formation of these destructive little chemicals, and, if left uncontrolled, they can cause damage to cells in the body. It's much like the chemical reaction that creates rust on a bicycle or turns the surface of a cut apple brown.

Free Radicals

These free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that contain an odd number of electrons. They can be formed when certain molecules interact with oxygen. Once formed, free radicals can start a chain of damaging chemical reactions. The biggest danger to the human body is their potential to react with cellular components like DNA or the cell membrane, causing cells to function poorly or die.

Free radicals can trap a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in an artery wall and begin the formation of plaque; they can damage DNA; or they can change the course of what enters and leaves a cell. Any of these actions can be the start of a disease process."

What is the ORAC chart?

"The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) unit, ORAC value, or "ORAC score" is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. It was developed by scientists at the National Institutes of Health. While the exact relationship between the ORAC value of a food and its health benefit has not been established, it is believed that foods higher on the ORAC chart will more effectively neutralize free radicals. According to the free-radical theory of aging, this will slow the oxidative processes and free radical damage that can contribute to age-related degeneration and disease."

When I learned of Propolis in 2002 I started taking it and I have not been sick since then. (15 years no colds or flu from 2002 to 2017)  I was allergic to something in the forests when I moved to Oregon and I was allergic to cats also but I no longer have any symptoms from either, thanks to the superpower of Propolis.  I think the Propolis boosted my immune system so much that it's now so strong it destroys any foreign invaders and is not hyper-sensitive as is the case with allergies.  I took 10g per day for 6 months while being exposed to the allergen (cat dander) daily and cured my allergy to cats.


"When a person with an allergy comes into contact with an allergen, the allergic reaction is not immediate. The immune system gradually builds up sensitivity to the substance before overreacting to it.

The immune system needs time to recognize and remember the allergen. As it becomes sensitive to it, it starts making antibodies to attack it - this process is called sensitization.

Sensitization can take from a few days to several years. In many cases the sensitization process is not completed and the person experiences some symptoms but never a full allergy.

When the immune system reacts to an allergen, there is inflammation and irritation. Signs and symptoms depend on the type of allergen. Allergic reactions may occur in the gut (digestive system), skin, sinuses, airways, eyes, and nasal passages."

5g daily maintenance for super-antioxidants (off the chart! ORAC value of 9674 per gram)
10g daily for allergies and anti-aging (this amount is more potent than 12+ cups of blueberries daily)
40g-160g if sick, 20g every 2 hours up to 160g in a day
I have been well the same day when I felt I was starting to get a cold, after taking Propolis, lots of water, and sleep.  i.e. Took 20g, 2 hours later took another 20g as the symptoms weren't gone yet, and then went to sleep.  I woke up later and was fine.  Same day wellness just makes you smile.

Propolis is a 100% natural superfood.  As with anything, before starting any new regimen, consult with your doctor or holistic wellness professional depending on your medical history.  If you eat more of it you will just get full as with any food but I personally have taken as much as 160g myself, once when I got food poisoning (took 40g four times that day, think of a small fruit) and I never developed the symptoms that other people had.  It's simple, take more Propolis depending on how you feel.  I instinctively took so much because I saw everyone getting sick and it worked like a miracle.

I consider Propolis to be the opposite of
Video HIV/AIDS because it makes Helper T cells (in blood) and
Video NK cells (in lymph) just as HIV destroys them.  Shhhh now you know the secret. =P

Propolis is amazing and I'll be taking it for the rest of my life.  It's time to tell others because I have 15 years of eating it.  Yes, I honestly would like for the price to stay low so if not many people know about it, that's one positive but I would be willing to pay 100x more for it.  It could go up 100x and still be more beneficial than any drug at the same price.  It would give me great comfort if other people discovered its miraculous benefits for themselves and their loved ones.

I encourage you to increase your body's super ninjas massively with Propolis.

Buy online by looking for sales on or here (limit 6):
Y.S. Eco Bee Farms PROPOLIS
Local at your neighborhood Vitamin Shoppe if you need it fast. (online inventory checker by zipcode before you drive)

If you found this information helpful, send me a thank you here

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

1. Vitamin B17

Video "Vitamin B17 - Apricot KernelsSimple Explanation by G. Edward Griffin, author of the Book "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17"
Video "A World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17" 55:14 minutes
Video "The Science and Politics of Cancer" 1:15:27 minutes

The best way to discover the reality of a cure is to speak with past cancer sufferers that overcame the disease and are alive and healthy today.  Nothing will impact you more than knowing someone personally that is alive today because they believed in the cure that actually worked and followed the steps to cure themselves forever.

You can find testimonials online along with misinformation so be careful out there.  Some people believe words and some people know FACTS of their friends and family's past experiences because they are alive to tell about it.

Here are just a few people speaking about their encounters with cancer, how they survived, and are now living life cancer free.  Amazing is an understatement.

Video "I Beat Cancer with Vitamin B17" Sandi, November 22, 2012 USA
Video "I Beat Cancer with Vitamin B17, Update" Sandi, May 18, 2013 USA
Video "Five Cancer Reversal Testimonies Part 1" Brad, Mediastinal Teratoma, 2004 Australia
Video "Five Cancer Reversal Testimonies Part 2" Chris, Rectal Cancer, 2006 Australia
Video "Five Cancer Reversal Testimonies Part 3" Paul, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, 1997 Australia
Video "Five Cancer Reversal Testimonies Part 4" Dorothy, Ovarian Cancer, 2002 Australia
Video "Five Cancer Reversal Testimonies Part 5" Marilyn & Glenn, Esophageal Cancer, 2003 Australia
Video "Hands on treatment of Cancer using Apricot Kernels - Soaking Chewing Importance and Experience" Nancy, Skin Cancer, 2014

Video "Suzanne Somers Throws Knockout for Cancer" (Mammograms causing cancer, Standard Medical Therapy is choosing chemical poison, Doctors misdiagnose Cancer of HEALTHY PEOPLE = Shocking Nightmare. etc.)
Book "Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer--And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place" excerpt from the book by Suzanne Somers "Although I have always leaned toward alternative medicine, the testimonials of the "cured" patients made a believer out of me."

If you are ever diagnosed with cancer, never fear, you now know the cure.  Sadly if only Suzanne Somers could have told her friend Farrah Fawcett what she knows today, she might still be alive, and would not have gone through a treatment of chemo that "was absolutely ineffective." (A chemo sensitivity test would have revealed her chances instead of her going through 3 grueling rounds of chemo and spending thousands or hundreds of thousands FOR NOTHING, combined with despair and all the negative side effects, body degradation, losing hair, and despicable suffering that's incalculable)  Farrah Fawcett's anal cancer was one of the worst kinds.  It's hard to even fathom the anguish and pain on a daily basis and makes one ponder what's wrong with the world, at the end of the day.  It's heart wrenching to even think about people going through that kind of trauma so I hope if anyone reading this has family and friends going through a similar ordeal, tell them the cure for cancer immediately.  You could save their life.

If one truly thinks about it deeply, why go through chemo when cancer just comes back again and again with a vengeance, like Farrah Fawcett experienced and paid for useless treatments that eventually never saved her.  I don't want anyone to waste their precious time, financial resources, and quality of life like that.

Celebrity Suzanne Somers, real proof of surviving and thriving after breast cancer:
Video "What Suzanne Somers believes caused her breast cancer"
Video "Suzanne Somers, October 17, 2012, new full feeling naturally looking breast, "a perfect solution""

If only people knew why cancer happens and that it's accelerated by a nutrition deficiency that is easily remedied in a few months or weeks depending on its stage.  100% natural food is the most effective method for literally pennies on the dollar vs. getting radiated, butchered, and poisoned to death.

I want to give you hope because this knowledge should be known by all.  Tell everyone you know, they do have a better choice for treatment and prevention.

Thanks to all the people who researched and shared their knowledge and expertise so others would know this life saving information.

Basic tenets to guide you against cancer:
* Holistic Nutrition and Superfoods
* Constant Hydration to maximize metabolism and cleansing
* Avoid Toxicity
* Rebounding exercise to stimulate the body's lymphatic system to allow it to function optimally
* Rest, Sleep, Meditate, and avoid stress to balance hormone levels for optimal health

If you are even considering chemo, please watch how modern medicine treats cancer here:

The simple, most effective all-natural, and inexpensive way to treat cancer is to:
Eat 8 to 50 apricot kernels per day.

8 per day for maintenance and prevention
50 per day for a therapeutic dose if already at Stage IV

Buy Apricot Kernels here:

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